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Lyon la Duchère greenens its stadium

02 September 2024 Our members' tactics
Published by Bastien TRANCHANT
Viewed 195 times

Lyon la Duchère has once again distinguished itself with an ambitious and inspiring project: the greening of its Balmont stadium and the Halle Diagana forecourt. The club recently landscaped these areas to include educational gardens. This project is much more than a simple environmental initiative; it's a fantastic tool for raising awareness among its stakeholders.

An educational and ecological initiative

The Balmont stadium greening project not only beautifies the stadium with green spaces, it also aims to raise awareness among all the club's stakeholders.

The club is also showing the project to its partners, elected representatives and local residents. The project also aims to educate the club's youngsters about the importance of biodiversity. Through several areas around the stadium, young and old alike can learn more about plants.

It was the Lycée Horticole d'Ecully/Dardilly that installed the first educational gardens, in just three days, all at no cost since it was part of an educational project for the pupils and the plants were financed by the club's partners.

(Example of a bin installed by the club
Credit: Lyon La Duchère)

A first step towards greening, while we wait for the next step

(Raising public awareness at the "Eco-Duch" event through the #TousEcoSupporters stand.
Credit: Lyon La Duchère)

The Balmont stadium greening project in Lyon la Duchère is a remarkable initiative that combines ecology, education and innovation. By greening the areas around the stadium, the club is not only responding to current climate challenges, but also inspiring an entire community to follow its example.

The Duchère club is determined to go even further, and there's no doubt that the Stade Balmont will continue to evolve over the coming years. In the meantime, on Wednesday June 19, the club organized the 2nd edition of the "Eco-Duch" event: for an entire afternoon at the Stade Balmont, the club offered a variety of activities combining conviviality and eco-responsibility. In a festive and convivial atmosphere, many people came together to share a moment around a shared snack and many around ecology.

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