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The men's Pôle Espoirs environmental project ⚽🌱

22 January 2024 Ecology comes into play
Viewed 51 times

In line with the LFNA's CSR strategy, the Bordeaux CREPS' eco-responsibility approach and the men's Pôle Espoirs socio-educational project, the young footballers are making a concrete commitment to the environment through a 3-stage program.

> Environmental awareness and sensitivity

Through environmental education initiatives such as nature walks, workshops and educational tools (the Football Ecological Fresco and the eco-supporter passport), Pôle Espoirs youngsters are developing their awareness of environmental protection issues. With this in mind, they headed off to a wood in Martignas for a walk in a natural area, focusing on mushrooms and biodiversity.

> Self-building compost at CREPS

Working in close collaboration with the CREPS teams in Bordeaux, they have built their own compost for the CREPS central kitchens, using recycled materials. Through this manual and educational activity, the young people at the center will be able to initiate an active and virtuous approach to their environment.

> Creating a vegetable garden

Following on from the construction of the compost, a project to create and maintain a shared vegetable garden on the CREPS Bordeaux facilities will perpetuate an approach to environmental education for young people and for the CREPS Bordeaux itself.

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