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Soccer Ecologie France calls on all those involved in soccer to vote for sport, solidarity and ecology.

Published by Bastien TRANCHANT
Viewed 268 times

As Football Écologie France continues to grow and mobilize soccer players around the ecological cause, the country finds itself at a decisive turning point in the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, 2024. In this context, we underline the crucial importance of these elections for the future of ecology in France.

Global warming is very real, and is already having an impact on today's sport. Heatwaves, heavy rainstorms and other climatic events have hit France regularly in recent years, sometimes making it difficult to play soccer (impassable pitches, health risks for players, etc.). For the future of sport and our planet, Football Ecologie France calls on all those involved in soccer to take action during the forthcoming legislative elections.

Ecology at the heart of politics

In recent years, environmental issues have played an increasingly important role in public debate and within the sporting world. Institutions such as the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and grassroots associations have been able to emerge thanks to a strong political will. Public policies are essential to support and frame actions in favor of ecology, and their importance cannot be underestimated.

The forthcoming elections are not only a major political event for France and Europe, but also a crucial turning point for players on the ground, whose future actions and capabilities will be influenced by the results of the legislative elections. The future French government will have the power to encourage or hinder efforts for an ecological and inclusive transition. The impact can be positive, by strengthening ecological initiatives, or negative, by slowing progress. Through its projects and budgetary policy, the actions of the next government can change everything for the future of sport and the planet.

Education, solidarity and living together

For almost 5 years, Football Ecologie France has been on the ground every day, working closely with all the players involved: from major soccer institutions to amateur clubs, from big cities and their neighborhoods to small towns and the countryside. The preservation of our planet and its biodiversity is a cause common to us all, and it's part of the association's mission to educate and talk about ecology through the prism of solidarity and living together. Values that soccer conveys on a daily basis through its pluralism and diversity. We are convinced that public policies must reflect these values. It is through education that we can build a resilient society that is fundamentally respectful of the planet.

Call for a sporting, supportive and ecological vote

For a variety of reasons, the abstention rate in the last European elections was very high. At a time when around half the electorate did not turn out to vote in the last European elections, we have chosen to call for a vote for one simple reason: the future of sport and soccer. We encourage all Football fans to read the programmes of the various political parties carefully and use their votes to support the ecological transition in the votes on June 30 and July 7, 2024.

Soccer Ecologie France is determined to counter-attack ideas and programs that stand in the way of the ecological and solidarity-based transition. We call on our network to adopt the same vigilance and take a stand against any initiative that could compromise our common ecological future.

We firmly believe that the commitment of each and every one of us is vital to ensure a sporting, sustainable and ecological future. Soccer can play a crucial role in raising awareness and taking ecological action. We invite all those involved in soccer to go to the polls and vote for candidates and programs that share the vision of a world where the ecological transition is a matter of course, a necessity for the future of sport and humanity.

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