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Les Rentrées du Foot 2023: Football Ecologie France and the FFF join forces for more responsible soccer

01 October 2023 Events
Viewed 272 times

For the second year running, Football Écologie France took to the field at the Rentrées du Foot, alongside the French Football Federation (FFF).

Responsible mobility at the heart of our action

Since the beginning of September, our #TousEcoSupporters stand has raised awareness among almost 1,500 people at the annual "rentrées du soccer " soccer fair organized by the French Football Federation. This year, the focus was on mobility and travel.
We encouraged players, coaches and supporters to rethink the way they travel, explore sustainable alternatives and understand the positive impact of these choices on the environment.

Eco-sustainability, new animations to spur action

This year, we introduced new activities combining reflection, teamwork and practice to teach the principles of eco-responsibility through play. Through 3 fun and complementary activities, participants were able to develop their understanding of the benefits of rethinking mobility and, above all, to imagine concrete actions to implement.

The Ecological Football Fresco - Mobility Version

The "Penal'mouv'

The Quiz Area
"Es-tu Eco-supporter?"

The Football Ecological Fresco - Mobility Version is an event-based adaptation of our flagship workshop, highlighting the close links between soccer and ecology. This animation enabled participants to understand the environmental impacts of soccer and explore concrete solutions for getting to stadiums more responsibly.

A fun workshop based on goal-shooting, offering participants, especially young people, the opportunity to learn while having fun. The workshop makes it easier to understand the need for changes in mobility behavior, while highlighting alternative solutions.

An interactive quiz to assess participants' level of eco-supporterism. This workshop encourages awareness of good environmental practices, particularly in terms of how to get to the stadium and how to behave in the stadium. It also encourages fans to become active contributors to the ecological and solidarity-based transition of their sports organizations.

You too can do the same at your future tournaments and events! #AllEcoSupporters

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