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Artix U15 international tournament in eco-friendly mode ⚽♻️

11 June 2024 Our members' tactics
Published by Pierre LALOT
Viewed 28 times

The organization of the Artix International Tournament is determined to offer an eco-responsible event, convinced that soccer must play a major role in the ecological transition and reduce its environmental impact.

To meet this challenge, the AS Artix club joined Football Ecologie France in 2022 in order to be supported in this approach. Since then, the organizers have been making progress, proposing innovative and virtuous actions to raise awareness among young and old alike, and ultimately reduce the tournament's environmental footprint.

🌱 "Getting your hands in the dirt is the best method of environmental education"

Communication :

  • Use of FSC-certified paper in our communications
  • Dematerialization and responsible digital
  • Promoting and highlighting eco-responsible actions on club and organization communication channels

Waste :

  • Installation of specific containers for waste sorting
  • Green Brigade (U10/U11 club members) to clean up the site and encourage waste reduction and sorting.
  • Use of reusable and/or recyclable crockery made from bio-sourced materials
  • Minimize the use of plastic bottles (water bottles, tetra pak water, etc.)
  • Playful ashtrays throughout the site (Tree6clope)
  • Banana shredding machine (Ball)

Power supply :

  • A special stand featuring local, short-distance products

Raising awareness :

  • Signage to promote eco-actions
  • Awareness-raising messages aimed at all audiences: spectators, players, officials, volunteers, etc.
  • Awareness-raising stands (Football Écologie France)

Aware that not everything about this 2024 edition will be perfect, there are plenty of areas for improvement, and the approach is gradually infusing itself into the minds of regulars at this friendly family tournament. For the organizers, it's important to initiate the process, make progress and sustain it over time.

And as they say so well in Artix :

"We're counting on your support to "play the game" by applying the recommended instructions to the maximum, so that in the end it's "the planet that wins".

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