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Grenoble Foot 38 signs up with FEF!

06 February 2024 Our members' tactics
Viewed 482 times

Working regularly with Football Ecologie France since 2021, Grenoble Foot 38 has officially committed itself to 2024 by joining the association. The aim? To benefit from tailor-made support to meet their high ambitions in terms of environmental awareness!

The emblematic soccer club, now playing in Ligue 2 BKT, is also known for its commitment to society. Through its "GF Engagement" CSR label, the club takes action on a number of fronts to benefit multiple causes (links with amateur soccer and education, first aid, access to employment, disability, Pink October, childhood illnesses, the fight against homophobia...).

Each season, GF38's eco-social actions are published in CSR reports. Tofind out more, click here.

Soccer Ecologie France appears several times in these reports, and with good reason: the Isérois club was one of the very first to place its trust in the association and its vision! Let's take a look back at the history of our actions in favor of the environment.

Since 2020: preparation, structuring and awareness-raising

The first exchanges date back to 2020, and things have moved very quickly despite the complicated COVID context. First, the club organized itself internally to develop a serious, long-term environmental project. Alexis Sandre (communications manager) and Jonathan Tinhan (CSR manager) decided to add the "ecology" string to their bow.

Animation d’une Fresque Écologique du Football avec les joueurs et joueuses professionnels du club

The duo then wanted to raise awareness among all its stakeholders via the Football Ecological Fresco workshop. Nearly 150 people have taken part in 9 workshops since January 2021. They include professional players, elected representatives, young people from the club and partner clubs, as well as the general public.

From 2022 & 2023: acceleration

The GF38 project gained momentum in 2022, when it became an Impact 2024 winner. One example is the first edition of "Football and Food Transition". This major, first-of-its-kind event to raise awareness of responsible eating was a resounding success, involving Grenoble Alpes-Métropole and raising the awareness of over 120 young players from 4 of the city's clubs. The second edition took place last October, this time bringing together over 150 youngsters and their parents.

At the same time, GF38 asked the city's club presidents to organize an ecological soccer fresco. This fresco was held in the Stade des Alpes dressing rooms ahead of the match against Niort in April 2023. This match was a special one, as the club had also asked us to organize an awareness-raising stand for supporters in the stadium's family area. In all, more than 100 people, adults and children, were able to discover the challenges of sustainable development in soccer.

Soccer and Food Transition 2023" event

In 2024, the club wants to impact its entire territory

Aware that GF38 sets an example for many clubs in the region, Jonathan Tinhan, the club's CSR manager, has decided to launch an innovative project in 2024. Grenoble is a city where working-class neighborhoods breathe soccer, and many clubs play a part in the education and citizenship of the region's younger generations. To activate these clubs on the issue of ecological transition and solidarity, we are going to raise awareness among the U12s of 8 clubs located in QPV (Quartier Prioritaire de la Ville) through #TousEcoSupporter stands.

From Wednesday March 27, every week for 2 months, we'll be visiting clubs to introduce the issue of sustainable development in soccer. On the program: an overview of the issue with the Football Ecological Fresco, the PenalTri technical exercise to put waste management into practice, and the eco-supporter quiz to present everyday solutions.

Thanks to these stands, GF38 hopes to involve as many local people as possible in a sustainable development approach.

Hosting a #TousEcoSupporters stand at the FFF's Rentrées du Foot 2023 event

Horizon 2030

The GF38 is building on its current momentum, and aims to acquire more and more long-term resources by 2030. The club's ongoing carbon audit should provide a roadmap over several seasons, with 2024 representing year 0. Our association will continue to support and advise the club on its roadmap, as well as helping to raise the awareness and commitment of its stakeholders.

We are proud to support this ambitious French institution in its ecological transition!

Follow Grenoble Foot 38's ecological news all year round on our social networks and via our newsletter.

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