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The Pays de la Loire Football League joins forces with Football Ecologie France!

06 February 2024 Our members' tactics
Viewed 406 times

It's signed... Last week, we were at the headquarters of the Ligue de Football des Pays de la Loire in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire to sign a partnership agreement and for the first intervention for trainees in the BMF x BPJEPS biqualification program.

For several years now, the Pays de la Loire League has been determined to promote an eco-responsible approach to its decisions and activities. In fact, the CSR theme has been made a priority for the 4-year term of office, and the League has identified 4 main pillars:

  • Sport-Health

  • Environment

  • Foot Citoyen

  • Exemplarity

Aware of its impact on society, the LFPL has already implemented a number of eco-responsibility initiatives, both internally and in support of local clubs. Organization of nutrition workshops, promotion of fruit and vegetables, elimination of water bottles... At the same time, the League has produced a "Club Guide" offering advice and resources to help clubs integrate eco-friendly practices into their operations.

A system for clubs

With this partnership, the Pays de la Loire Football League and Football Ecologie France aim to support all soccer players in the Pays de la Loire region in their commitment to society and the environment. The aim is also to raise awareness of ecological issues among the region's soccer clubs.

A number of joint initiatives are already planned: Ecological Football Fresco workshops for various audiences (young people at the Pôle Espoir, League employees and club managers), presentations to bi-qualifying training courses (BMF x BPJEPS), Eco-Supporters Passport for young people at the Pôle Espoir, deployment of the #TousEcoSupporters stand at League events, etc.

Raising awareness among educators to involve clubs

During our visit to the League, we spoke to the 20 trainees on the BMFxBPJEPS bi-qualification course. We ran our Ecological Football Fresco workshop, as well as a time for reflection on various environmental issues on which clubs can take action. Through these educational activities, the trainees were able to familiarize themselves with the notion of ecological transition in soccer and to project themselves onto their clubs. Another training session is planned for the rest of the season, to pursue the objective of supporting clubs in the Pays de Loire region in their commitment and action.

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