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The Herault District joins forces with Football Ecologie France!

06 February 2024 Our members' tactics
Viewed 289 times

A new district has decided to join forces with Football Ecologie France , bringing the total to 13 French soccer authorities! At the start of 2024, the Hérault Football District and Football Ecologie France signed a partnership agreement for the coming year.

The Hérault District is very active in PEF (Programme Educatif Fédéral) initiatives, and is keen to follow the FFF's recently published societal plan. As part of the "Sport as a School of Life" partnership between the District and Crédit Agricole Languedoc, the latter will once again be the District's sponsor for this operation.

The District de l'Hérault and Football Ecologie France are keen to support all players involved in soccer in the Hérault region in their commitment to society and the environment. At the same time, the aim is to raise awareness of ecological issues among the department's clubs.

Several joint actions are already planned, and to begin with, a meeting was held between the 50 PEF referents of the DHF clubs registered for the label, to present the association and the possible actions that clubs can take on the environmental front.

We're proud to support the Hérault District in its ecological and solidarity-based transition! Keep up to date with the latest ecological news and developments in this partnership on our social networks and via our newsletter.

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